National Cadet Corps is a Tri-Services Organisation comprising the Army, Navy and Air Force, engaged in grooming the youth – ‘The Leaders of Tomorrow’ – into disciplined and patriotic citizens. The genesis of the NCC can be traced back to the First World War when the Britishers created the University Corps as the second line of defense and to have a large pool of trained youth available for employment into the Armed Forces.
After independence the present day NCC under the Ministry of Defence came into existence on 16 Apr 1948 through NCC act XXXI, 1948. NCC was formally inaugurated on 15 Jul 1948 as soon as the schools and colleges reopened after summer vacation. The Girls Division of the NCC was started in Jul 1949. In 1950 Air Wing was added on 01 Apr with one Air squadron each at Bombay and Kolkata. The Naval Wing of the NCC was raised in Jul 1952, thus completing the true representation of all services in the Corps. Presently, NCC has approximately 13 Lakhs Cadets under its fold.
To develop qualities of Character, Courage, Comradeship, Discipline, Leadership, Secular Outlook, Spirit of Adventure and the ideals of Selfless Service amongst the Youth of the Country. To Create a Human Resource of Organized, Trained and Motivated Youth, to Provide Leadership in all Walks of life and be Always Available for the Service of the Nation. Training forms the backbone of the NCC. This gives not only the shape and form to the corps but controls all the sensitive and vital nerves of the organisation. A tremendous amount has been achieved by the corps through its well regulated system of intensive training which includes Basic
Staff Pattern Advance and Specialised training, with major stress being laid on training camps. The training in the NCC is conducted through a three-tier system of training staff, consisting of Regular Officers, Whole Time Officers, Whole Time Lady Officers, Associate NCC Officers (ANOs), Junior Commissioned Officers (JCOs), Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) and their equivalents from the Navy and the Air Force as Permanent Instructor Staff, Girl Cadet Instructors (GCIs), Civil Gliding Instructors (CGIs), Ship Modelling Instructors (SMIs) and Aero Modelling Instructors (AMIs). The NCC is staffed by personnel drawn from the following cadres:-
Regular Officers drawn from the three services of Army, Navy and Air Force.
Whole time Lady Officers.
Associate NCC Officers.
Girl Cadet Instructors.
Permananet Instructional Staff.
Civilian Gliding Instructors.
Civilian StaffShip Modeling Instructors.
Aero Modeling Instructors.
Training Activities
Based on the aims of the NCC, the Organisation has laid down Training Syllabi for the cadets. The syllabi for the Junior Division Cadets covers a period of two years and for Senior Division it is three years. Except for minor variations, the syllabus is similar for both Boy and Girl cadets. The training schedules planned for the cadets ensure that the benefit of the organisation reaches the maximum number of cadets. Centrally Organized Camps
Leadership Camps.
Vayu Sainik Camp.
Nau Sainik Camp.
Rock Climbing Camps it is organized by specified Dt.
National Integration Camps (NIC) it is organized by specified Dt.
Thal Sainik Camp (TSC) it is organized by NCC HQ.
Army Attachment Camp (AAC) it is organized by solan unit .
Republic Day Camp (RDC) it is organized by NCC HQ.
Annual training Camp(ATC) it is organized by individual unit.
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