Bachelor in Computer Application

About Us


Dear Students, An educational institution can survive and progress with good and positive student support and progression. Therefore, students at all times need to be motivated to utilize their energy, talent and other skills in a productive and constructive way. It is possible with constant support and positive psychological input from teachers. I wish my students should be imaginative. Students choice of their studies and specialization have many reasons. One of them for choosing Arts stream is their imaginary fears about mathematics. Imagination for computer students should not just thinking in air. It should be step by step movement and trying to go beyond what others have done before. Imagination has no Berlin Walls. Experimentation, explanation of experiments by theories, attempts at unification of seemingly different topics one all mark of a creativity.It should be logically analysis of unexplained

experimental facts and these logical imagination can lead to concrete theories and results unheard of before. Einstein's relativity or Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and in fact every revolutionary theory of previous centuries are based on finding the answers to questions and difficulties of modern science which were swept under the carpet. According to Einstein Imagination is reality. It is everything and preview of life's coming attraction. It is imagination which creates models in the mind. A mind is not an imaginary entity and as it exists imagination is a reality. After making a few discoveries the common man is chained to those ideas. Those who break these chains by their imaginations become creators like Jack Hobbs, Mark Zuckeberg etc. Ultimately it is the clarity of thought and ability to handle new ideas that will help you good in your field of specialization. The secret of success which I can give to my BCA students is be imaginative, concretize your imagination and then extrapolate and jump into new fields.


BCA is a three year degree courses split over three years based on annual system of examination, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Computer Applications of the Himachal Pradesh University. The admission to the course is open under two categories: 20 seats for Subsidized Category 20 seats for Non-Subsidized Category As per Himachal Pradesh University rules, 75% seats shall be filled out of the candidate who has passed their 10+2 examination from the schools situated in H.P. irrespective of the Board. Remaining 25% seats will be filled on all India basis. Other reservation rules of H.P. University shall be applicable.



A candidate must have passed plus two examinations under 10+2 system or examination equipment thereto of a Board/University established by law in India with English as compulsory subject with 55% marks.

Relaxation in %age for SC/ST

The students belonging to SC/ST category shall be given 5% relaxation of marks for admission purpose i.e. minimum of 50% marks in aggregate at 10+2 level.


A candidate should have passed at least 50% of papers of BCA first year examination [Ordinance 9.68(e)].


A candidate should have passed at least 50% of papers of BCA second year examination and all the papers of first year should be cleared [Ordinance 9.68(e)].

Constitution of HEIS

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”


The admission for the session 2023-24 has been closed.

AICTE Approval

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Meet the Faculty & Staff

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Mr. Muneet LakhanpalGuest Faculty

has been teaching in the department of BCA since 2006

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Mrs. Pratiksha ChauhanGuest Faculty

has been teaching in the department of BCA since 2009

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Mrs. Priyanka ChauhanGuest Faculty

has been teaching in the department of BCA since 2014

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Mrs. Sheetal ChauhanGuest Faculty

has been teaching in the department of BCA since 2022

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Mr. Ashok KumarGuest Faculty

has been teaching in the department of BCA since 2022. His area of interest is Mathematics

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Mr.Sanjeev MeghtaSystem Analyst

Computer systems analysts, sometimes called systems architects, study an organization's current computer systems and procedures and design improvements to them. In doing so, these analysts help the organization operate more efficiently.

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Mr. Praveen JogtaClerk

is working in the department of BCA since long times

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Mr. Rohit VermaLA

is working in the department of BCA since long times

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Mr. Kapil DevLibrary Bearer

is working in the department of BCA since long times

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Mr. Abhishek ThakurPeon

is working in the department of BCA since long times